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Found 2817 results for any of the keywords biodiversity information. Time 0.007 seconds.
GBIFGBIF—the Global Biodiversity Information Facility—is an international network and data infrastructure funded by the world's governments and aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life
iNaturalist on the App StoreiNaturalist is a social network for sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature. The primary goal is to connect people to nature, and…
culture | alliance for biodiversity knowledgeAt the root of the GBIO framework lies the culture focus area, which puts in place the necessary elements to turn biodiversity information into a common and connected resource stable and persistent storage, pooled expert
sign on | alliance for biodiversity knowledgeThis Declaration of Support outlines the goals of the proposed alliance for biodiversity knowledge, which seeks to deliver robust and interconnected communities, systems and processes to handle biodiversity information f
call to action | alliance for biodiversity knowledgeHowever, current efforts remain inefficient and inadequate to address the global need for accurate data on the world s species and on changing patterns and trends in biodiversity. Significant challenges include:
GBIF Work Programme 2024: Annual Update and Implementation Plan to theThis document is also available in PDF format.
Eulachon - WikipediaThe unrelated sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria is also called candlefish in the United Kingdom.
supporters | alliance for biodiversity knowledgeSorry, there is nothing available for this search
ARBIMSARBMIS provides access to the data published through the ARCOS Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). This includes occurrence data and species checklists for the Albertine Rift region. The media library provides useful do
evidence | alliance for biodiversity knowledgeThe Evidence focus area deals with refining, structuring and evaluating the data, to improve quality and place it within a taxonomic framework that organizes all known information about any species.
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